Our Story

Kairos Gracia Christian School is one of the private schools in West Jakarta, Indonesia, which implements character values in the learning process. Known as one of the best schools in the society, the school has been through ups and down in the past years of development.

The auspicious beginning

The school was established on 19 February 2000. Two teachers and four children started the new beginning at “The Kindy Club” in a one-storey shop-house with two small classrooms. Using English as the medium in teaching young learners was not an easy task, especially when children with various dialects were concerned. Therefore, teachers had to double their efforts in nurturing these students to ensure a better and prosperous future. Even though things were tough for both the students and the teachers to explore as well as develop the teaching-learning process with very limited facilities, they managed to bring in comfortable yet knowledgeable learning atmosphere. This, of course, would never have been achieved without the creativity, dedication and hard work of the teachers as well as the enthusiasm of the students.

As years went by, “The Kindy Club” grew bigger in number. More students are coming in, by July 2001 the school managed to cater 38 students. The number of students continued to increase steadily as the society was attracted undoubtedly by how the existing students had developed in not only their academic achievements but also their behavior and character.

Due to the rapid growth of the school, Kairos Gracia Foundation was formed. Mr. Eldy Ray, Mrs. Boen Kim Fung; Mr. Richard Kwan, Mrs. Anna Wijaya and Mrs. Imelda Natalia were selected to be the board members of the foundation. The school board then worked on the school facility development plan which resulted in a land prepared for the new school building. This land of 332 m2 had become the milestone of Kairos Gracia Christian School.

Important milestones

The new school building was ready by July 2002. “The Kindy Club” had finally had its own premise. Here, the number of classrooms were added up to 10 classrooms, accommodating 128 students in learning. “The Kindy Club” then changed its name into Kairos Gracia Christian School. Encouraged by the parents’ support and the teachers’ spirit, Kairos Gracia Foundation decided to establish the first primary level of education in the compound. At this time, Kairos Gracia Christian School had fostered 64 pre-school students, 36 kindergarten students and 28 Primary 1 students.

Believing that Kairos Gracia Christian School provided one of the best education, more and more parents in the surrounding area entrusted their children to the school. Students were flooding in, filling all the seats available. This ongoing condition finally forced the board members to expand the school.  Having 239 students in care, Kairos Gracia Christian School definitely needed another school building for the one in possession was not big enough. On a land of 1.308 m2 located at Block P6 Citra Garden II, West Jakarta, a four-storey building was built to accommodate the growing number of students. All the activities of primary levels were moved to the new building while the previous school was still operating for pre-school and kindergarten levels.

In year 2005, Kairos Gracia Christian Primary School building was packed with students and the 21 classrooms could no longer accommodate the school activities. A 237 m2 building next to it was then built to add 12 more classrooms for the school. This was the third building of Kairos Gracia Christian School community. In the same year, Kairos Gracia Foundation recruited Drs. Jenner Yusman as a counselor to the school board, helping out in certain fields.

Recognizing the contribution towards the young learners’ education, the local authorities, who had observed, supervised and guided the development of the school for a good period of time, finally accredited Kairos Gracia Christian Kindergarten School with the grade of A+.

One year after the kindergarten accreditation certificate was issued, Kairos Gracia Christian School obtained another outstanding remark from the authority for the steady achievement of the school in quality, quantity, popularity and social services. The certificate of accreditation for Primary levels – with the score of 92 out of 100, again categorized as A+ score - was given to the school. 

Time passed by so swiftly that the school barely realized that the first batch of our students had reached their highest primary level of education. This meant that they would soon continue to the secondary levels. Parents’ requests and students’ demands forced the school to consider opening the higher levels. After a period of researching and learning, the school chose Cambridge syllabuses for the secondary levels. Cambridge International Examination was then to be the final passing standard of Kairos Gracia Christian Secondary school.

Year 2008 had become the first step of Kairos Gracia Christian Secondary School. Despite the unavailability of a building, the school started up with 30 Secondary 1 students. A small number of students had never been a hindrance for the school to provide the best education. Blessed by God’s grace, the hard work of the school community bore good fruits. Known by the integration of good character values in learning and the application of high-quality international curriculum had promoted the school to be one of the best in the surrounding area which led to a great number of intakes every academic year. Supported by Cambridge University recognition statement on 7 April 2010 – as a Cambridge International Examination Centre, ID 224 – and the local government recognition as “SPK – Satuan Pendidikan Kerjasama”, Kairos Gracia Christian School had become a school of education eminence.


The present fact

Every person in the school has contributed a lot of support to the improvement made in both the past and present. By the year of 2018, Kairos Gracia Christian School community has reached 1110 in number - Some of them are teachers and staffs who look after 1020 students, ranging from preschool to Junior College learners; and has owned four school buildings in three locations - one building for pre-school and kindergarten, two buildings for primary and one building for secondary – which are located near to one another.

Further set-up for the coming academic years has been planned and prepared. Fueled by spirit to educate, Kairos Gracia Christian School is committed in improving the characters, spirituality and knowledge of the students in order to develop holistic growth that will draw the community closer to the school vision and missions.